FAQ for Online EHS Legislation Updating Service

Beside Singapore, we also provide Malaysia EHS Legislation Updating Services. If you have any enquiries regarding other countries beside the listed ones, please drop us an email at ehs@eqstech.com.

Country Singapore Malaysia
1st Year New Subscription SGD 720 SGD 600
1 Year Renewal SGD 450 SGD 300
2 Year Renewal SGD 720 SGD 500

You will receive a User name & Password via email to access the online EHS Legislation Service.

No, the documents are in pdf format. We do not provide printed copy.

You may register here or send your enquiry to ehs@eqstech.com for the subscription form. Subscription account will be activated upon clearance of payment.

You can issue a local currency cheque made crossed and payable to “EQS Technologies Pte Ltd”. Alternatively, payment can be made through GIRO. Please contact us at ehs@eqstech.com for bank details.

No, you will not be able to access the online EHS Legislation Service if payment is not made and received.

Yes, you may change your user name / password and your particulars except the registered email address or company name. Please email to us at ehs@eqstech.com regarding the change of your registered email address or company name.

You may change your username and password under “PROFILE” after you log-in with your old details.

You can reset password by clicking the LOST YOUR PASSWORD?” function under the login page using either your email address or user name.

You can view your Profile/Subscription for the subscribed service and expiry date. You will receive a renewal notification email two months in advance and an renewal reminder email one month prior to the expiry date.

You may renew your subscription under the “SUBSCRIPTION” tab. Please inform us if there is any change in company details or user.

Please select the correct payment method before submitting your renewal. Kindly send us your Purchase Order (if any) to ehs@eqstech.com. We will process your renewal by issuing an invoice for payment.

Once the payment is cleared, the system will show that your account has been renewed.

You will not be able to access the online EHS Legislation Service.

The scheduled update frequency is quarterly for Singapore and Malaysia. Adhoc updates will also be posted online as and when they are available.

The amendment texts are highlighted in the relevant document. The colour of highlight represents the quarter when the amendments are issued in our quarterly update. The color codes are:

YELLOW 1st Quarter Update
GREEN  2nd Quarter Update
BLUE  3rd Quarter Update
PINK  4th Quarter Update

We only provide the document number and title of the changes in standards and codes of practice. Please contact Toppan Leefung regarding  purchase of Singapore Standards and Codes of Practices.

The updates are stored at Current Year and Past Years categories.

We will email an email notification when the scheduled updates are uploaded to your registered email address.

Yes, you may download the documents for your internal use only.

Each subscriber company will have two user accounts to access the Online EHS Legislation Service. You are strongly advised not to share your user name and password as you will not be able to access if a concurrent log-in of your user account is detected.

You may opt for additional users to the subscription. The subscription fee is SGD 10.00/ month per additional user. The additional user access is only valid before the expiry of your current subscription plan.

Yes, we provide the Singapore Environmental Legal Requirements Training and the Workplace Safety & Health Legal Requirements Training every three months. Please visit http://training.eqsasia.com or contact us at training@eqsasia.com for more information.